LTspice-Analysis Types

In this article, we will briefly introduce the types of analysis that can be performed with LTspice. Please refer to the linked article for an explanation of each detailed analysis method.

Please see the following article for a detailed explanation of how to create a schematic in LTspice.


LTspice Analysis Types-Basic

LTspice Analysis Types-Basic
  1. Transient Analysis(.tran)
  2. AC Analysis(.ac)
  3. DC Sweep Analysis(.dc)
  4. Noise Analysis(.noise)
  5. DC Transfer Function Analysis(.tf)
  6. DC Operating Point Analysis(.op)

Of the above analysis, the most frequently used ones are “transient analysis (.tran)” and “AC analysis (.ac)”, so circuit simulator beginners should first remember these two analyses.

Transient Analysis(.tran)

LTspice XVII Transient Analysis(.tran)

Transient analysis(.tran) analyzes the temporal change of each voltage and current when the input signal is input to the electronic circuit.

AC Analysis(.ac)

LTspice XVII AC Analysis(.ac)

AC analysis(.ac) analyzes the frequency characteristics of electronic circuits.

DC Sweep Analysis(.dc)

LTspice XVII DC Sweep Analysis(.dc)

DC sweep analysis(.dc) sweeps and analyzes the DC voltage of the input signal of the electronic circuit.
It is used to analyze DC characteristics of diodes, transistors, and op amps.

Noise Analysis(.noise)

LTspice XVII Noise Analysis(.noise)

Noise analysis(.noise) analyzes the frequency characteristics of electronic circuit noise.

DC Transfer Function Analysis(.tf)

LTspice XVII DC Transfer Function Analysis(.tf)

DC transfer function analysis (.tf) defines the input and output in the electronic circuit to calculate the transfer function of a small DC signal, and calculates the output/input conversion ratio, input impedance, and output impedance.

DC Operating Point Analysis(.op)

LTspice XVII DC Operating Point Analysis(.op)

DC operating point analysis(.op) calculates the DC voltage and current of each node in the steady state of the electronic circuit.

LTspice Analysis Types-Advanced

By combining dot commands, the following three types of analysis can be performed simultaneously with the analysis introduced in "LTspice Analysis Types-Basic".

LTspice Analysis Types-Advanced
  1. Parametric Analysis(.step)
  2. Temperature Analysis(.temp)
  3. Monte Carlo Analysis(mc)

In particular, parametric analysis can be performed while changing the parameters of electronic parts, so verification of electronic circuits can be performed much faster than measurement while changing electronic parts on a breadboard. We recommend that you remember early.

Parametric Analysis(.step)

LTspice XVII Parametric Analysis(.step)

Parametric analysis(.step) analyzes while changing parameters such as resistance, capacitor, inductor, and power supply of electronic circuit.

It is performed simultaneously with transient analysis, AC analysis, DC sweep analysis, etc.

Temperature Analysis(.temp)

LTspice XVII Temperature Analysis(.temp)

Temperature analysis(.temp) analyzes the effects of temperature characteristics of semiconductors such as op-amps and transistors in electronic circuits.

It is performed simultaneously with transient analysis, AC analysis, DC sweep analysis, etc.

Monte Carlo Analysis(mc)

LTspice XVII Monte Carlo Analysis(mc)

Monte Carlo analysis (mc) analyzes the effects of errors due to electronic circuit parts.

It is perform transient analysis, AC analysis, DC sweep analysis etc simultaneously.

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