LTspice Simulation– category –
LTspice-DC Transfer Function Analysis(.tf)
In this article, we will explain in detail the DC transfer function analysis(.tf) method in LTspice. In DC transfer function analysis, in order to calculate the transfer function of small DC signals, the input and output are defined in t... -
LTspice-Noise Analysis(.noise)
In this article, we will explain in detail the noise analysis(.nose) method in LTspice. Noise analysis analyzes the noise frequency characteristics of electronic circuit. For the types of analysis, please see the following article. Prepa... -
LTspice-DC Sweep Analysis(.dc)
In this article, we will explain in detail the DC sweep analysis(.dc) method in LTspice. DC sweep analysis sweeps the DC voltage of the input signal of the electronic circuit. It is used to analyze DC characteristics of diodes, transisto... -
LTspice-AC Analysis(.ac)
In this article, we will explain in detail the AC analysis(.ac) method in LTspice. AC analysis analyzes the frequency characteristics of electronic circuits. For the types of analysis, please see the following article. Prepare a schemati... -
LTspice-Transient Analysis(.tran)
In this article, we will explain in detail the transient analysis (.tran) method in LTspice. Transient analysis analyzes changes in voltage and current over time when an input signal is applied to an electronic circuit. For the types of ... -
LTspice-How to use Waveform Viewer
This article details how to use LTspice's Waveform Viewer. The waveform viewer is a function that displays the simulation results executed with LTspice as a graph. It is easy to understand if you imagine the measurement with an oscillosc... -
LTspice-Simulation Commands Setting
In this article, we will explain in detail how to set the simulation command used for the following six types of analysis. Edit Simulation Command Transient Analysis(.tran)AC Analysis(.ac)DC Sweep Analysis(.dc)Noise Analysis(.noise)DC Tr... -
LTspice-Independent Voltage Source Setting
LTspice requires setting of the signal source when simulating. In this article, we will focus on how to set up a independent voltage source for analysis. For the types of analysis, please see the following article. How to open "Independe...