LTspice– category –
LTspice-How to use the Voltage Controlled Switch with Hysteresis Characteristics
This article details the use of "the voltage controlled switche with hysteresis characteristics" in LTspice. What is the hysteresis characteristics of a voltage controlled switch? In the following article, we introduced the use of the vo... -
LTspice-Switch Types
This article introduces the various switche types in LTspice. Switch Types Voltage controlled switch: swCurrent controlled switch: csw Voltage Controlled Switch The voltage controlled switche can be switched ON/OFF by inputting an extern... -
LTspice-Types of Voltage and Current Sources
This article introduces the various types of voltage and current sources available in LTspice. Independent Voltage and Curent Sources Independent Voltage and Curent Sources Voltage Source: voltage, cell, signalCurrent Source: current Vol... -
.softstart : LTspice -- Shortened Rise Time for a Step-Up/Step-Down Power Supply
This article details the use of the dot command ".softstart". .softstart" can be used to shorten the rise time when running simulations of Analog Devices' Buck-Boost DC/DC Converters. ".softstart" syntax The syntax of ".softstart" is as ... -
.nodealias : LTspice -- Short Circuit between Nodes
This article details the use of the dot command ".nodealias". .nodealias" can be used to short between nodes without making wire connections on the schematic. ".nodealias" syntax The ".nodealias" syntax is as follows. It allows shorting ... -
.wave : LTspice -- Write Selected Nodes to a .Wav File
This article details the use of the dot command ".wave". ".wave" can be used to output the "voltage" or "current" of a specified node as a WAV format audio file.(WAV or WAVE is a format for audio data description. The file extension is "... -
.ferret : LTspice -- Download a File Given the URL
This article details the use of the dot command ".ferret". Files can be downloaded by specifying the URL using ".ferret". ".ferret" syntax The ".ferret" syntax is as follows. By specifying the "URL" without "https://", the file is downlo... -
.backanno : LTspice -- Annotate the Subcircuit Pin Names to the Port Currents
This article details the use of the dot command ".backanno". The current flowing through the pins of a schematic symbol can be displayed on a graph using ".backanno". ".backanno" syntax The ".backanno" syntax is as follows. You can now r... -
.save : LTspice -- Limit the Quantity of Saved Data
This article details the use of the dot command ".save". Simulation time can be shortened by using ".save" to specify the save data. ".save" syntax The ".save" syntax is as follows. Normally, when a simulation is performed, all voltage a... -
.loadbias : LTspice -- Load a Previously Solved DC Solution
This article details the use of the dot command ".loadbias". It is possible to load the DC operating points stored in a file using ".loadbias". Examples of ".savebias" syntax/command The ".loadbias" syntax is as follows. The command ".sa...